AL-HAKAM-The Judge, The Giver of Justice The Impartial Judge
The One and Only true Judge and always delivers justice in every situation. He is the One whose judgments and decrees are never over-turned and He Who makes the final decision of the nature of all matters. He is the One who arbitrates all disputes.
He is the Ruler and His judgment is His Word.
Allah, Exalted be He, says, “Shall I then seek a judge other than Allah?” (Surat Al An’am: 6:114); “…and He is the Best of Judges.” (Surat Yoonus, 10:109)
Allah judges amongst His slaves in this life and in the hereafter with absolute fairness and equity. He will restore rights to their owners on the Day of Judgement, and He judges and ordains anything He wishes according to His foreknowledge and wise regulation of all affairs of the universe. Allah also judges amongst His slaves according to His Law, and it is not permissible to seek other than His judgement.
Allah’s judgement or decree is of three types:
A decree pertaining to the universal will of Allah, which is in accordance with His foreknowledge and wisdom. Some of these judgements may be pushed back (such as hunger and sickness) and a Muslim is recommended to do so, while some others may not be pushed back (such as death), in which case a Muslim must accept wholeheartedly and submit to Allah’s will, knowing full well that Allah is kind and wise in whatever He decrees.
A religious, legislative decree, which a Muslim must accept with the fullest conviction and reject any laws that oppose it and contradict it.
A decree pertaining to reward and punishment, whereby He will judge among His slaves and decide between them on the Day of Judgement. A Muslim must believe in this type of judgement and prepare himself for it.
Benefits of belief in these names include the following:
Accepting Allah’s judgements, submitting to His will and giving precedence to His law over other laws, for Allah’s laws and judgements are the best and must be given precedence.
Fearing Allah, adhering to His law, doing whatever He approves, avoiding whatever He disapproves, refraining from oppressing people and begging whomever we have wronged for forgiveness and restoring their rights to them.
The One whose insight sees all things clearly, both the apparent and the hidden. The One who sees and understands all that has been, and all that will be.
The One who has insight into all things. The One who perceives every detail. The One who understands all things, both outer and inner.
The One who has given to mankind the outer eye of the body, and the inner eye of the heart.
From the root b-s-r which has the following classical Arabic connotations:
to see, behold, notice
to understand, to know
to perceive, to have insight
to be acutely aware
This name is used in the Qur’ān. For example, see 17:1