AL-HAMEED-The Praiseworthy The Sole-Laudable One

Benefits of belief in this name include the following:
The One who is praised and is praiseworthy. The One who is worthy of all thankful praise. The One and only One who truly deserves all praise, honor and adoration.
The One who is exalted, praised and glorified by the very existence of creation. The One who deserves every manner of praise, exaltation and glorification, both public and private.
From the root h-m-d which has the following classical Arabic connotations:
to praise, to laud with deep feelings of adoration and submission
to praise one for something done by that one’s own will
to speak well of, honor, commend
to eulogize
This name is used in the Qur’ān. For example, see 22:64
The root h-m-d denotes the highest praise and honoring being offered with deep feelings of thankfulness, admiration, humility and submission.
Hamīd indicates one who is praised and praiseworthy due to his own inherent qualities, not due to any specific favor, and who does glorious works entirely of his own volition and according to his own will.
Shakūr denotes appreciation, gratitude or praise for some particular favor.
The root h-m-d is also the basis of the expression al-hamdulillāh (all praise is for Allah), as well as being the root of the names Ahmad (praiseworthy), Mahmūd (praised) and Muhammad (much praised, or repeatedly praised).