AL-QADEER-The Capable, The Powerful The Omnipotent One

The One who has perfect, complete Power and Ability. By the Power of Al-Qadeer the creation is brought into being, life and death is given and by His power the resurrection and recompense will be established. The One attributed with Power.
Allah, Exalted be He, says, “Say, ‘He is able to send punishment upon you from above you or from beneath your feet.” (Surat al-An’aam, 6:65). He also says, “Indeed, the righteous will be among gardens and rivers, in a seat of honour in the presence of a Sovereign who is Perfect in Ability.” (Surat Al-Qamar, 54:54-55). He also says, “Allah has power over all things.” (Surat Al-Baqarah, 2:20).
Allah is Al-Qaadir, that is, He is able to do whatever He wills and has power over everything. He is in no way affected by helplessness or weakness. Nothing in the heavens or the earth can ever frustrate His plan.
The name Al-Muqtadir (the Perfect in Ability) describes additional ability. The same thing can be said about the name Al-Qadeer (the Ever Able), which means the One whose ability is complete and perfect; He is the One who creates, manages all affairs, makes things in the best form, guides, sends astray, gives life, causes death, and the One who will resurrect all His slaves fo inal judgement, and He is able over all things.

Benefits of belief in these names include the following:

Truly relying on Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He, being totally attached to Him alone and having confidence that He is sufficient for us.
Being assured of Allah’s mercy, Exalted be He, recognizing His infinite wisdom, anticipating His graciousness when struck by all types of adversities.
Avoiding oppression in all its forms, especially oppressing Allah’s slaves, for Allah, Exalted be He, is able to support the oppressed and punish the oppressors.
Making use of whatever skills and ability Allah has given us in ways that are pleasing to Him and being careful not to use them in ways that are displeasing to Him, for He is able to take them from us altogether.
Not being deluded by our ability and recognising that there is no power or might except with Allah and thus turn to Allah alone for everything.

The One who possesses the power and the ability to measure-out anything and everything.

The One who has the capability to make any decree and to determine what will be.

The One whose decree determines the measure and distribution of all things.

The One who does as He wills, acting or not acting in accord with whatever He decides.

From the root q-d-r which has the following classical Arabic connotations:

to measure something
to make manifest the measure of something
to distribute or apportion (as though by measure), measure-out
to decree, to ordain, to decide a matter (as though measuring it to fit)
to exercise thought in preparing something, to make use of reason (measuring out)
to have the power to accomplish, to be rendered able, capable
to be able to prevail, to be empowered, to have control over

This name is used in the Qur’ān. For example, see 77:23, 6:37

Muqtadir is an intensive form of the root q-d-r which emphasizes the Supreme Power to enforce or enact whatever Divine wisdom decides; being omnipotent, having the ability to do everything.

Qādir is a less intensive form of the root q-d-r which describes the attribute of being able to decree, ordain, appoint, measure-out, decide.

These both involve power in the sense of power being the intention by which something comes into being according to a certain measure and a certain willful decree, as in saying ‘kun’ (Be!), and it is.

Related names:

Qawī – the One who is all-mighty and possesses inexhaustible strength.

Matīn – the One whose nature it is to be firm, determined, steadfast.

Qādir – the One whose nature it is to decree, ordain, appoint, measure-out, decide.

Muqtadir – the One whose supreme power enforces whatever Divine wisdom decrees or decides; omnipotent, able to do everything.